Assessing spread of phytophthoras in Scottish forests by recreational and harvesting activities using comparative qPCR and metabarcoding techniques

Project Lead: April Armstrong
Host Institution: Forest Research
Project Date: 1 July 2019 to 31 August 2023
Reference Number:
Assessing spread of phytophthoras in Scottish forests by recreational and harvesting activities using comparative qPCR and metabarcoding techniques
The oomycete Phytophthora ramorum has caused substantial losses of Scottish forests in recent years due to widespread mortality of European larch trees (Larix decidua). Infected trees are subject to statutory felling notices in an effort to reduce sporulation potential. Nevertheless, there are concerns about the multiple pathways by which spores might be transferred to new sites. There have been assessments of soil moved by mountain biking and walking/running resulting in evidence to support the Forestry Commission’s Keep-it-Clean campaign. This study will assess soil/plant material collected from commercial harvesting equipment (tyres, treads, mud guards etc.). PHC support will enable a wider range of diagnostic tests to be carried out, testing the robustness of the methods and examining the potential for multiple Phytophthora species to be transferred.

Impact: Add to the evidence base underpinning public and sector-facing biosecurity campaigns and improve disease management and restrict spread of the disease.
National Manager for Scotland
Institution: Confederation of Forest Industries
Forest Pathologist and Programme Manager
Institution: Forest Research
Institution: Forest Research