Plant Health Centre Online Event
Online: Registration for this free event is via Eventbrite:

We would like to invite you to attend an online, half day event on the 3rd of June 2021 (AM) that Plant Health Centre will be hosting.
Over the course of two hours, speakers from the Plant Health Centre will update you on our recent, current and potential projects - including recently completed research that assessed large-scale biosecurity risks to Scotland from landscaping and infra-structure plantings, non-specialist and online horticultural sales, and large-scale tree plantings for environmental benefits. There will be a mixture of live talks, and ‘anytime’ content that you can view when it suits you.
You may be aware that in previous years around this time we have jointly run Scotland’s Plant Health Conference with the Scottish Government, NatureScot, HTA and Scottish Forestry – due to COVID we have decided that the next of these conferences will be postponed until such time as we can have an in-person event, hopefully later this year or early next year. In the mean time we thought that many would appreciate an update from the PHC.
Registration for this free event is via Eventbrite:
Links to the day’s events will be sent to those who have registered via Eventbrite prior to the 3rd of June.