Call for Projects



PHC2024/02: Developing resources for appropriate plant biosecurity assessments and implementation in natural habitats

Aim: Create a prototype resource which provides specific, clear biosecurity advice to conservation practitioners so that they can produce a bespoke biosecurity management plan relevant to their conservation project, this could include advice on plant provenance, plant production, plant/seed collecting, planting, and machinery use.

Maximum funding available: £30,000

Application deadline: 12pm on 30th August 2024

How to apply: please see the project call for full details and apply using the PHC Application Form

Completed application forms should be emailed to before 12pm on 30th August 2024.


PHC2024/03: Developing an assessment framework to identify plant health benefits and risks for emerging novel crops in Scotland.

Aim: Create a systematic framework for the evaluation of plant health risks and benefits for emerging / novel crops in Scottish agriculture that will also be suitable for use when considering the introduction of species in the natural environment, horticulture and forestry sectors.  

Maximum funding available: £30,000

Application deadline: 12pm on 30th August 2024

How to apply: please see the project call for full details and apply using the PHC Application Form.

Completed application forms should be emailed to before 12pm on 30th August 2024.


Guidance and Documentation: 

  • All feedback and queries related to PHC calls should be emailed to
  • All non-confidential queries and answers will be published on this website.
  • Applicants should use the PHC Application Form when applying for projects.
  • It is possible to request a start date or project duration that differs from the project specification. This should be requested in the application form (section 1.4) and is subject to approval and the requirements of individual projects.
  • Applicants must ensure they are able to accept the PHC Funding Terms and Conditions before submitting an application. 
  • Guidance on writing PHC project reports


If you have any plant health concerns that you would like to raise with us, then please get in touch.