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Scottish IPM Plan and Assessment

Complete this plan if you farm Arable crops, field-scale vegetables, forage and potato crops

Please answer the questions as accurately as you can. Good data is needed to provide you with a realistic measure of the adoption of IPM by your business.

  • Please note that the term ‘pests’ relates to diseases, weeds and invertebrate pests (insects, nematodes, slugs and snails).

  • Please read question instructions carefully as the type of response required may vary from question to question.

  • Please complete the survey in full

1. How familiar are you with Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

Please tick one answer only.
IPM Familiarity

2. Which of the following factors do you consider to be important components of IPM?

Please select one answer per row.
Questions Irrelevant Not important Neither important or unimportant Important Essential
Questions Irrelevant Not important Neither important or unimportant Important Essential
Questions Irrelevant Not important Neither important or unimportant Important Essential
Questions Irrelevant Not important Neither important or unimportant Important Essential

3. Regarding crop rotation and break crops

3a. What proportion of the land that you farm or manage is in continuous barley or winter wheat production i.e. growing them on the same land for 5 or more consecutive years without growing a non-cereal break crop (e.g. oilseed rape, beans, peas, grass)?