3rd European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa

The following is reproduced from the EFSA website

The 3rd European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa and the final meeting of the XF-ACTORS project will be held online from 26 April to 30 April 2021.

The meeting of XF-ACTORS, the EU Horizon 2020 research project devoted to this plant pathogenic bacterium, will precede the conference. The 3rd European conference on Xylella fastidiosa is organised by EFSA and XF-ACTORS with the active contribution of the major EU and transnational research initiatives tackling X. fastidiosa – BIOVEXO, CURE-XF, ERC MultiX, EUPHRESCO, EUROXANTH, and Life Resilience.

Registration and abstract submission close on 7 March 2021.

For more information and to register please visit https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/events/event/3rd-european-conference-xylella-fastidiosa-and-xf-actors-final-meeting