Ongoing controls to protect against the tree pest Oak Processionary Moth
Landscapers, nurseries, landowners and woodland managers are being urged to take action after the Plant Health Service intercepted a number of cases of Oak Processionary Moth caterpillars on trees imported from the continent.
Anyone who has received oak trees imported from the continent should urgently check their trees for OPM, and nurseries should spray trees that they might be holding as stock with the pesticide Deltamethrin as a precautionary measure to stop this pest spreading. It is vital these trees are checked and sprayed now to minimise the spread of this damaging tree pest and protect the health of our oak trees.
The majority of the UK is designated as a protected zone, although OPM is an established pest in London and surrounding areas. A government programme has been in place since 2012 to minimise the size, spread and impact.
To address recent interceptions, strengthened measures on the import of most species of oak into Scotland were introduced to protect trees from the threat of OPM on Tuesday 16th July. Strengthened measures in England and Wales have also been introduced.
Further information and resources can be found in the document below. This document is intended to help nurseries in Scotland find out more about spraying their oak trees with the pesticide Deltamethrin (trade names Bandu or Decis).
Image: Oak processionary moth larvae on oak trunk. Credit Henry Kuppen