Scottish Government Unveils New Plant Health Strategy to Safeguard Scotland’s Natural Environment and Economy

The Scottish Government has published The Scottish Plant Health Strategy 2024-2029, a comprehensive five-year plan aimed at protecting plant health across Scotland. The strategy sets out a clear vision for safeguarding the country’s agricultural and horticultural crops, parks and gardens, forestry, and natural environments from plant pests and diseases.

The Strategy’s key objectives are to: 

  • demonstrate the importance of safeguarding Scottish plant health to protect and enhance Scotland’s economy and natural environment.
  • set out a 5-year plan to improve plant health in Scotland and align with the GB strategy
  • ensure SG and stakeholders work together to protect plant health in Scotland

The strategy highlights the continued role of Scotland’s Plant Health Centre, which was established in 2018 as a virtual Centre of Expertise. The Centre has played a crucial role in supporting plant health policy by providing scientific evidence and expert advice on a range of plant health threats. This includes both indigenous and non-indigenous pest and disease risks, and its work underpins the strategic direction of Scotland’s plant health initiatives.

The Centre is a vital resource for knowledge transfer, bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and practical applications for the plant health industry. It serves as a key source of guidance for Scottish Ministers and stakeholders, enabling them to make informed decisions to protect Scotland’s plant life.

Jim Fairlie Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity has said "The new Strategy recognises that Government cannot work alone to tackle the current and future plant health challenges. Therefore a collaborative approach, between all interested parties across government, industry, science and the public is essential".

The Scottish Plant Health Strategy 2024-2029 is a critical step forward in safeguarding Scotland’s plant health, supporting the long-term prosperity and sustainability of its natural environment and agricultural industries.