Assessment of large-scale plant biosecurity risks to Scotland from large scale plantings for landscaping and infra-structure projects

Project Lead: Mariella Marzano
Host Institution: Forest Research, The James Hutton Institute, Fera Science Ltd, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, St. Andrews Botanic Gardens
Project Date: 17 February 2020 to 31 March 2021
Reference Number:
Large scale infra-structure projects such as transport networks and major housing projects typically include extensive landscaping and planting programmes. These operate at a large scale, often require instant visual impacts (semi-mature shrubs and trees) and face significant cost pressures. The modest scale of domestic production creates challenges in obtaining material from local sources, which can favour low-cost large-scale plant imports with associated risks of pest and disease entry. This project will fill in key knowledge gaps with those responsible for selecting, procuring and planting plants and trees on a large-scale to provide an understanding of how/whether biosecurity features in their decision-making and make recommendations for any changes required to improve bio-secure practices.

Impact: Provide Scottish Government policy with an assessment of the major biosecurity pitfalls and opportunities arising from large-scale landscaping plantings.
Publication Type (field_publication_type)
Forestry, Horticulture, Environment | Final Report and Policy Document

Action Research to gain a deeper understanding of large-scale biosecurity risks to Scotland

December 2023

This project has developed a systems approach, in the context of plant health biosecurity risks in the retail, infrastructure landscaping and planting in the natural environment, to facilitate further understanding of key organisations and identify general and specific leverage points at which interventions could have a significant effect on the system.

Forestry, Horticulture, Agriculture, Environment | Final Report and Policy Document

Biosecurity practices to support plant health: a review of knowledge and practice

March 2023

This research investigated plant biosecurity risks from site visitors, tools & equipment, and large machinery. In addition to reviewing published guidance, UK businesses and organisations were engaged via questionnaires and interviews to explore how these aspects of biosecurity are understood and what procedures may be in place to address them.

Forestry, Horticulture, Environment | Final Report and Policy Document

Identifying the plant health risks associated with plant waste disposal and peat-free growing media and developing best practice guidance for waste disposal and composting across sectors

March 2023

This research focussed on two areas of biosecurity that provide significant risk to plant businesses and the wider environment in Scotland, i) plant waste management, and ii) the constituents of reduced-peat and peat-free growing media.

Assessment of large-scale biosecurity risks to Scotland

December 2021

PHC commissioned an assessment of large-scale biosecurity risks with a focus on three areas of concern:

  1. non-specialist and online horticulture sales;
  2. landscaping and infrastructure;
  3. planting for environmental benefits.

An additional area was the potential for modelling to support decision making across these areas of concern.  This policy report summaries each report and highlights the key findings and suggested actions.  

Assessment of large-scale plant biosecurity risks to Scotland from non-specialist and online horticultural sales

October 2021

This project focused on an initial exploration of tree and plant biosecurity risks to Scotland arising from large-scale movement of plants via non-specialist (those for which plants are not their primary product type, e.g., supermarkets, DIY and lifestyle stores) and online plant retailers. By better understanding the characteristics of these retailer types, the plant health behaviours they undertake, and the challenges they face, potential avenues were offered for greater engagement and collaboration on biosecurity with this important, but understudied and hard to reach sector.

Assessment of plant biosecurity risks to Scotland from large scale tree plantings for environmental benefits

October 2021

This report features five case studies from across Scotland and examines risks associated with large scale tree planting schemes, levels of awareness around pests and diseases, and how the decisions and actions of those involved can serve to reduce or exacerbate pest and disease related threats and long-term tree health. Each case study was unique in respect to their combination of location, site conditions, ownership, management objectives, species choice, supply chains and management activities. By highlighting best practice and lessons learned, it was hoped to ensure that future planting schemes can be successful and, importantly, reduce the likelihood of pests and diseases being introduced and spread into the wider environment.

The potential of ecological and epidemiological models to inform assessment and mitigation of biosecurity risks arising from large scale planting

October 2021

Large scale planting projects linked to infra-structure such as transport networks and major housing projects or to planting for environmental benefits (e.g., urban greening, woodland restoration) pose high biosecurity risks due to the high number and types of plants involved. This report focusses on whether and how ecological and epidemiological model frameworks can inform assessment and mitigation of biosecurity risks from large scale planting using a combination of literature review and stakeholder engagement.  The project aimed to identify priority steps to develop more useful models and tools for assessing biosecurity risks from planting in the future.

Social and Economic Research Scientist
Institution: Forest Research
Social Scientist
Institution: Forest Research
Forest Pathologist and Programme Manager
Institution: Forest Research
National Manager for Scotland
Institution: Confederation of Forest Industries
Plant Pathologist
Institution: The James Hutton Institute
Environmental Economist
Institution: Fera Science Ltd
Landscape Architect
Institution: St. Andrews Botanic Gardens
Ecological and Plant Disease Modeller
Institution: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Ecological and Plant Disease Modeller
Institution: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology