
The Geographer: The Tay catchment - a Forestry perspective

Read the article by Prof Chris Quine (Sector Lead for Forestry) about the forests of the Tay catchment and the role that the Plant Health Centre can play in protecting them.

Importing and exporting plants if there’s no Brexit deal

If the UK leaves the EU in March 2019 without a deal, find out how this would affect businesses or individuals that trade in plants and plant products with EU countries.

For more information go to 'Resources', 'Useful Links' and click on 'Plant health in a no-deal Brexit'

Hundreds of trees to be felled at Argyll gardens to combat disease

About 900 Japanese larch trees are to be felled at a National Trust garden in Argyll.

Work is due to start at Arduaine Garden next week, in an effort to prevent the spread of a damaging disease.

Phytophthora ramorum, more commonly known as sudden oak death, has already affected a number of forests across Scotland.

The zebra chip pathogen Liberibacter detected in symptomless potato plants in Finland

Volunteer potato plants in carrot fields in Finland were found to be positive for the Zebra chip pathogen Liberibacter. However, no disease developed and the pathogen was not transmitted to daughter plants.

Read the full abstract

The Plant Health Centre in China

As one of the delegates attending the 2018 UK-China Potato Science Technology Innovation Cooperation Conference Ian Toth, Director of the Plant Health Centre, explained the virtues of the Centre and the close cooperation needed with China and other countries to manage the threat from emerging pathogens.

Summary of outcomes from the stakeholder launch event on 22nd May 2018

During a very successful launch event for the Plant Health Centre on 22nd May 2018 at the royal botanic Gardens Edinburgh, a series of workshops were held to address a number of questions posed to the attendees. A table showing a synthesis of the workshops is now available to view.

Sceptical Scot - Battling pests and diseases: Scotland’s new plant health centre

A new science centre of expertise has been set up to tackle threats to plant life in Scotland – but why do we need it?

The Scottish Government-funded Plant Health Centre of Expertise, which pulls together plant health specialists from ten institutions, has been launched to support Scotland in dealing with the many threats to its plant life across plant sectors including forestry, horticulture, environment and agriculture.

Reporting notifiable pests and diseases in the UK

Have you found, or suspect you have found, a non-native pest or disease in Scotland (or other region of the UK)?
If so, please report it as soon as possible. Click the title for a list of potential new threats and 'contacts for reporting'.

Potatoes in Practice a big success

Potatoes in Practice took pleace on 9 August 2018 at the James Hutton Institute's Balruddery Farm, Dundee for farmers, agronomists, industry, scientists and policymakers. Ian Toth spoke about the Plant Health Centre , which generated considerable interest for future plant health discussions with the potato industry in Scotland.

Ian Toth introduces the Plant Health Centre to international experts

Ian Toth introduces the Plant Health Centre to international experts during a visit to the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) in Boston, USA from 31st July -3rd August 2018.