
Interception of Pine Processionary Moth (England)

Pine Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) on Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra trees imported from a French nursery were intercepted at a nursery in England. Statutory plant health notices have been issued to the affected nurseries and the destruction of all infested Pinus trees has been completed.

Potato spindle tuber viroid detected in Solanum sisymbriifolium seed

Fera have reported that testing of S. sisymbriifolium seed found Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) in several samples, which indicates that sticky nightshade is a natural host of PSTVd. They conclude that "Given the increased interest in the use of S. sisymbriifolium as a trap crop for PCN management in potato rotations, the role of this crop as a host of PSTVd and the risk of seed transmission and transmission via roots should be further investigated".

Second finding of P. pluvialis in Scotland

Scottish Forestry have confirmed a second finding of Phytophthora pluvialis in Scotland, a tree disease that is capable of affecting several tree species, including western hemlock, Douglas fir, tanoak and several pine species (particularly radiata pine).
The second location is at a woodland site near to Loch Awe in Argyll, and was picked up by ongoing surveillance.

Forestry movement restriction near Loch Carron after discovery of Phytophthora pluvialis

Woodland managers, landowners, the forest industry and tree nurseries are being urged to be vigilant following the discovery of P. pluvialis near Loch Carron in the north west of Scotland.
Scottish Forestry will impose movement restrictions to limit the spread of this fungus-like pathogen, known to affect a variety of tree species, including western hemlock, Douglas fir, tanoak and several pine species (in particular radiata pine).

Phytophthora pluvialis found in Cornwall

Forestry Commission are urging woodland managers, landowners, the forest industry and tree nurseries to remain vigilant after the tree pathogen Phytophthora pluvialis was found in a woodland in Cornwall.

Plant Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain Consultation Launched

On the 21st September, Defra launched a consultation on behalf of the governments of England, Scotland and Wales to inform Great Britain’s approach to plant biosecurity over the next five years. The consultation closes on the 30th of November.

Changes to the Phytophthora ramorum Action Plan

There have been recent changes to the Phytophthora ramorum Action Plan. Follow the links in this article for more information on the actions to be taken in the three zones.

£2.2 Million new funding to safeguard Scotland's potato and bulb industries

The Scottish Government have committed £2.2 Million funding over 5 years for a project that will implement the recommendations of the PCN Working Group, which will be coordinated through the Plant Health Centre.

Additions to the quarantine list, and wood importation restrictions

The oak longhorn beetle (Neocerambyx raddei) and two-lined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus) are now on the GB quarantine list, and as a result new measures apply to importation of wood, wood chips, plants for planting and isolated bark from certain host plants (from specific thirs countries).

Eight-toothed spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) - Vigilance urged

The Forestry Commission has recently urged that woodland managers, land owners and tree nurseries to remain vigilant after new breeding populations of the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) were identified in Kent.

Visit for information on identification and reporting of this pest.